Friday, 8 June 2012

Iced Coffee...In Hope.

Okok I know todaaaaaay might not be an Iced Coffee day. Well it might be with you I guess, living in the microclimate of eternal sunshine and crystal seas of Cornwall, but I know most places, on this June day (JUNE...COME ON), are facing weather warnings and inside out umbrellas.

Seriously....Whhhhhhy do we do this to ourselves. ‘Summer’. It doesn’t meaaaaan anything. “Have a nice summer.” “What shall we do this summer.” “See you over the summer.” Really, summer = that time when Wimbledon gets rained on, Glastonbury gets rained on and the washing, hung outside in a cloud free moment, gets rained on.

The most important summer related phrase is “are you going anywhere nice this summer?” Because really, that’s the only thing to do...ruuuun. Run to somewhere with a real summer. Somewhere where you don’t risk a heart attack by jumping in the sea. And somewhere where Iced Coffee is the standard, not the celebration of 2 hours of temps above 20°.

Heck...we live here though, so we best just buck up, pop the heating back on and get on with it I spose. Howeeeveeeeer in eternal hope, I suggest you get some of this ready and waiting in your freezer, just in case there’s a day around the corner on which the sun shines favourable on us, because when that day arrives, yes when, it'll be too late. Fingers cross, sun dance danced and sun god worshipped. With Love and Cake.

Iced Coffee.

A few notes:
  • Basically this is coffee ice cubes, defrosted in milk. Simple. So I won't get faffy with specific measurements. Hope you don't mind.
  • It's actually a great way to use up coffee that's left over, and has maybe been sitting around in the cafetiere for a while. Any time you find more than just the dregs left over, pour them in an ice cube tray and add to your stash.
  • I usually put a lot of sugar in the coffee before I freeze it. I like supersweet coffee anyway but something happens to cold coffee which I think makes it extra bitter. So maybe give it a quick taste before you freeze it and make it a tad sweeter than you would usually enjoy.
You will need 

Strong black coffee

  • Ok so first you need to sweeten your black coffee to just a bit sweeter than you usually like by stirring in some sugar so it dissolves (see notes).
  • Then pour it into ice cube trays and pop in your freezer.
  • When it's frozen, transfer your coffee ice cubes into a plastic food bag and keep stashed at the bag of your freezer and keep your fingers crossed for a sunny day.
  • On that elusive occasion, a few hours before you want the drink, or maybe before a picnic a or lunch, fill your vessel; be it a single glass, big jug, or outdoors friendly Thermos, with your coffee ice cubes and pour over enough of your favourite milk to cover.
  • Slowly slowly the coffee goodness will melt into it's milky surroundings and give you heaven on a hot day. Enjoy. And never EVER complain about the heat. 

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