Sunday, 21 July 2013


HaHa...HobNOBS......ok moving on.

Hobnobs are undoubtedly the king of know, out of the ones you buy. Oh no wait, what about custard creams....oh I forgot fig rolls, and digestives are pretty unbeatable. OkOk they are in the top ten of all the biscuits.

A tweety chat the other day prompted the same train of thought regarding Springsteen could neverEVER choose a fave, too many winners. Same with books, does anyone actually have a top book...or film?

But homemade, wWOWzers, definitely in the top 5 biscuits I've ever made...yes probably definitely. And they are not one of those pale imitation homemade things...when you're like 'mmm yes homemade, well done me, *whispering* but why don't they taste as good as the shop's ones?'.  No these are winners, because they have the taste and crispness of proper Hobnobs but are bigger and sturdier and actually feel like food rather than sugary air that doesn't reach your tummy...which is how I always thing of shop bought biscuits. So go forth and's easier than shopping anyway. With Love and Cake.


A few notes:
  • You need to cook these a couple of minutes longer than feels right (to me anyway). You want them to go from pale gold to deep bronze for that crispyness to really set in.
  • When they first come out of the oven they will be all gooey and bendy, don't worry though, as long as you've got them deep bronze they will crisp up as they cool.

Makes 20-30, depending on how big you make them
You will need

a large baking sheet, greased

225g self raising flour
225g caster sugar
225g oats
225g butter
1 tbsp golden syrup
1 tbsp hot water
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 

  • Preheat the oven to 180°c.
  • In a large mixing bowl combine the flour, sugar and oats.
  • Melt together the butter and golden syrup in a medium saucepan over a low heat.
  • Stir in the hot water and bicarbonate of soda.
  • Pour the golden liquid over the dry ingredients and mix to thoroughly combine.
  • Pull off balls of dough, about walnut sized, and squash into discs onto your baking sheet leaving plenty of space between each biscuit, I'd say they about double in size. You will likely need to bake in batches unless your baking sheet is huuuuge.
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until they've gone from the pale gold they'll be after about 15 minutes baking to a deep bronze.
  • Leave to firm up on the baking sheet for a moment or two before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

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