Ok...before you think anything....don't. Because you're wrong. I'm not mental for saying that it's easy peasy to make what is essentially the inside of a Crunchy. I shouldn't be arrested for suggesting that you make this in an emergency, last minute, for an occasion that requires pud, or at least a sweet offering. And it is most definitely not silly to say that YOU could DO THIS.
While yes, it is true that some magic occurs, what is with bicarb and all it's crazy uses, it's not actually a requirement that you are a witch, all you do is throw the ingredients together and some spell/scientific reaction occurs all by itself. Mix, Pour, Done.
It's one of those genius things that makes everyone think YOU are the genius and slaved over a hot stove just for their benefit and they will therefore think you love them very much and are very generous and will love you back and maybe even buy you presents.
That's not to say that you DON'T love them millions for taking the easy way out, but you probably just have lots of washing to do or maybe you've used all your baking time watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls...I don't know, I'm only guessing...so when you're in a fix, don't fret, just chuck bicarb at stuff. With Love and Cake.
Original recipe from Nigella Express
A few notes:
- This is best eaten as soon as poss really, it fairly quickly goes a bit bendy and overly chewy. It's so speedy to knock together I would make it an hour or 2 before it's needed.
Makes enough for 6-8 to have a nibble
You will need
A large piece of foil, oiled, set over a heatproof surface
100g caster sugar
4 tbsp golden syrup
1 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- Mix together the sugar and syrup together in a small-medium saucepan.
- Place the pan over a medium heat, don't stir beyond this point.
- You want the mixture first to melt, then turn into a golden goo, then bubble fairly fiercely to the colour of maple syrup...hopefully taking around 3 minutes.
- Take the pan off the heat and quickly whisk in the bicarb...it goes mighty poofy at this point, that's what we want.
- Pour this immediately onto your oiled foil and leave it to cool and set.
- When it's hard, bash or snap it into pieces.